JARON Ministries International
We exist to equip leaders for more effective Christian service…
and through those leaders, reach the nations for Christ.
What’s in a name?
JARON Ministries International
JARON stands for Jesus’ Ambassadors Reaching Out to Nations
Equipping Leaders through:
Teaching, Training and Motivating:
- Conferences, seminars and workshops
- Biblically sound audio, video, and written training materials
- Local radio and Global Shortwave broadcasts
- Pulpit supply and retreat speakers
- Classes for Bible institutes, colleges and seminaries
- Men’s, women’s and youth ministries events
Counseling and Consulting:
- Mentoring and Coaching pastors and ministry leaders
- Care ministries: Grief Share, Divorce Care, Stephen Ministries
- Chaplaincy: Law Enforcement, Jail & Prison, hospital
- Pro-Life, and human trafficking victims
Service Trips and Projects:
- International Short-Term Missions teams: teaching, construction, medical, youth, music and film, community transformation through infrastructure, education and microeconomics, church planting
Faith-films Promotion and Events
for the purpose of evangelism and discipleship

You can Partner with JARON Ministries International
Join as a prayer partner and request current prayer requests from our missionaries and pray it forward for upcoming conferences, events, mission trips, and projects. Contact Rob Carter for more information.
You are most welcome to donate tax-deductible gifts to the JARON General account, projects, or one of our missionaries you might know. Invest in the global ministries of JARON now.
We often have a need for help in the office or computer work you might do from home. Contact Rob Carter for more information.
Short-Term Mission Trip
If you are interested in serving on an international short-term mission team you may apply by contacting Rob Carter for more information.
Part-time or Full-Time Missionary
Whether you’d like to officially volunteer and raise support for ministry expenses or serve in ministry full or part-time for financial support, you are welcome to Contact Rob Carter for more information.
Opportunity to Give
What is the Process to Give?
Simply click on the button below and fill out the donation form. That’s it!